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Global Biodiversity Outlook 3

Latest data on status and trends of biodiversity

Global Biodiversity Outlook is the flagship publication of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Drawing on a range of information sources, including National Reports, biodiversity indicators information, scientific literature, and a study assessing biodiversity scenarios for the future [4MB], the third edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3) summarizes the latest data on status and trends of biodiversity and draws conclusions for the future strategy of the Convention.

Download full report: Global Biodiversity Outlook 3

In 2002, the world’s leaders agreed to achieve a significant
reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by
2010. Having reviewed all available evidence, including
national reports submitted by Parties, this third
edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook concludes
that the target has not been met. Moreover, the Outlook
warns, the principal pressures leading to biodiversity
loss are not just constant but are, in some
cases, intensifying.

Quelle: Source: Convention on Biological Diversity


  • Auswirkung
  • Auswirkungen der Klimaänderung
  • Biosphäre
  • Klimaeffekte