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Forum IPCC: Fifth Assessment Reports AR5 on Impact, Adaptation, Vulnerability and Mitigation (WGII , WGIII)

12 Mai 2014, 13:15 - ca. 17:15 in Fribourg



The IPCC assessments of the causes, impacts and possible response strategies to climate change are the most comprehensive and up-to-date reports available on the subject. They form the standard reference for academia, government and industry worldwide. The Forum on Mai 12 2014 is a follow-up of the event in Bern on September 30, 2013 where the first IPCC volume 'The Physical Science Basis' was presented.

Teaser: Forum IPCC: Fifth Assessment Reports AR5 on Impact, Adaptation, Vulnerability and Mitigation (WGII , WGIII)

The IPCC Forum 2014 will present a number of highlights from the Second Volume "Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability" (Working Group II) and "Mitigating Climate Change" (Working Group III). The presentations will go beyond the Summary for Policymakers.


  • Adaptation to climate change
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Impacts of climate change
Organizers: ProClim, BAFU, University of Fribourg
Languages: English