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Tracking progress towards Kyoto and 2020 targets in Europe

Deep emission cuts give the EU a head start

Current emission levels and projections in the EEA Report No 7/2010 show that the EU is well on track to achieve its 2020 reduction target of 20 % with domestic emission reductions only, provided that Member States fully implement the EU climate and energy package adopted in 2009.

Download of the EEA report No 7/2010: Tracking progress towards Kyoto and 2020 targets in Europe

Most European countries with a Kyoto target were on track towards their individual target in 2008,based on their emission levels that year. However in three EU Member States (Austria, Denmark and Italy), two other EEA countries (Liechtenstein and Switzerland) and one EU candidate country (Croatia), emissions stayed above their limits in 2008 despite planned use of flexible mechanisms and expected carbon removals from LULUCF activities over the full commitment period. 2009 emission estimates available from Denmark, Italy and Switzerland do not change this picture, despite the effect of the economic recession on GHG emissions. No 2009 information is available for Austria, Croatia and Liechtenstein.

Source: Source: European Environment Agency EEA


  • Emission