ProClim apporte les dernières connaissances scientifiques sur le changement climatique au débat politique et public. Le forum met en réseau la science, la politique et la société, tout en contribuant à une Suisse neutre et résiliente sur le plan climatique.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

OcCC-Report «Climate Change and Switzerland 2050»

English version now available in PDF

Wetter und Klima (Symbolbild)
Image : NASA

The report «Climate Change and Switzerland 2050 - Impacts on Environment, Society and Economy» is now available in English. The report describes possible impacts of climate change on Switzerland due to the emission of greenhouse gases that are to be expected up to the year 2050. The potential impacts on various areas are discussed, as well as measures and strategies to adapt to the expected changes. In particular, the report considers the following areas: land ecosystems, agriculture, water management, health, tourism, energy, buildings and infrastructure, urban Switzerland and insurance.
The document can be downloaded chapter by chapter or as a whole at:

