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IGBP wants to strengthen its ties to the national activities

Wetter und Klima (Symbolbild)
Immagine: NASA

Today, approximately 78 nations have established IGBP National Committee or Global Change Committees for earth system science programs WCRP, IGBP, IHDP and DIVERSITAS.
Many of these committees have been very active and are playing an extremely important role at the national level. Through workshops, group meetings, and publications, they promote interdisciplinary research in different areas related to the global environment. Some have been working with funding agencies to secure substantial support for research activities in their countries. Many actively teach and nurture the new generation of scientists who will spearhead the IGBP and Earth-System Science challenges even further.
The IGBP Scientific Committee and the IGBP Secretariat in Stockholm have recently examined the role played by the National Committees. They believe that the transition from IGBP-Phase I to IGBP-Phase II provides an opportunity for redefining the roles of the National Committees and their tasks in support of Earth System Science. The Scientific Committee of IGBP would very much like the National Committees to be more closely involved in international activities and to serve as a stronger link between IGBP and the national research communities.
In the future, IGBP will invite National Committees to nominate scientists to our Scientific Steering Committees. National Committees will also play a major role in helping better define and participate in new Integrated Regional Studies and Joint Projects sponsored by the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP). Furthermore, National Committees can help to promote broader institutional networking of specialised research centers, to raise awareness of IGBP scientific documentation, to actively contribute to a NCs section in the IGBP NewsLetter and, all in all, suggest what IGBP can do to help NCs and national research communities.
Source: IGBP Stockholm
