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Extreme Events and Climate Change

OcCC Side Event at COP9 in Milano

Wetter und Klima (Symbolbild)
Immagine: NASA

The new report of the Swiss Advisory Body on Climate Change (OcCC) was presented at a side event at COP9 in Milano on Tuesday, 2 December.
Extreme events as rare events that deviate heavily from the statistical mean or trend, and are not necessarily associated with damage.
Switzerland has witnessed a series of extreme events in the recent past. However, the apparent concentration of extreme events in recent years could either indicate a real trend, or simply be a delusive trend resulting from random factors. For statistical reasons, precise conclusions cannot be drawn on very rare extreme events.
The report summarizes the present knowledge on temperature extremes, frosts, droughts, forest fires, heavy precipitations, hail, floods, mass movements, avalanches and winter storms. It is available in English, French and German.


  • Eventi estremi